In light of the Spongebob story, my brother told me to check out his 11 year-old daughter's Sims2 page on which she posts stories about her Sims (I'm not all that familiar witht he game, but it appears as if this is a regular part of the program). One story is about two men who have kids (one via alien abduction and impregnation of one partner, the other two through adoption). This is the caveat she posts at the beginning of her story:
NOTE: This series has homosexual relationships, and this is the last time I will warn everyone. It's not my fault if you read this and get upset, because I highly suggest to sneek a peek at the first part of this series!
The story is really delightful and the relationships totally crack me up (I didn't realize until the night before that I was a homosexual, but when he hugged me, it felt great!), but they reflect real family values. The sister of one character moves in with her toddler when she loses her job and needs a place to stay until she gets on her feet and they adopt abused and neglected kids (a process which miraculously only takes about a month). I don't think she really has much of an awareness of the sexual nature of adult relationships, just that they really care for and support one another.
She has written several other stories which contain several familial configurations (mixed race, single moms, etc.)
So, I was talking to my brother about her site and jokingly said I guess it was true that kids were learning that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle choice. He said he would only be worried about it if she thought bigotry and hate were an acceptable lifestyle choice. We are all really proud of her, not only for the quality of her writing, which, technically, is way beyond her 11 years, but for her sensitivity too.