It's next to impossible to live with the knowledge of your child's death regardless of circumstances. When you admit the truth, that it was for a whopping pile of stinking bullshit, that makes it even more difficult. Some parents have killed themselves. Others have joined various groups to speak out against war-criminal bush.
And others refuse to even admit to the fact that there was no "WMD" and hadn't been since the early 1990s. I know 2 families here at Hood that insist "WMD" were found & their kids died to keep that 911-murderer Hussein from attacking us with his "WMD".
Check out gold star mothers Cindy Sheehan versus Lynda "I'd be wearing a burka now" Unger.
"Iraq was never going to attack us," says Sheehan.
"If we just sit back and don't do anything, they're going to overrun us," says Unger.
Unger's son Daniel, 19, was killed by shrapnel in Iraq. But it was his own small hometown, Exeter, Calif., that his mother believes he was defending.
"If we'd waited any longer, I would be wearing a burka," says Unger. the fact that Hussein's Iraq was secular and didn't wear burkas, or the fact that Iraq never had any desire, intent or capability to "overrun us". Denial gets her through the day.