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Anyone ever heard of Robin Sloan or the Pilot Project?

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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 10:09 PM
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Anyone ever heard of Robin Sloan or the Pilot Project?
I stumbled on this site for the Pilot Project, which says it wants to "democratize television." The idea is that absolutely anyone can send in news and documentaries that will air on cable channels. That's a worthy cause to be sure, but I'm wondering what its founder is all about.

Here are a few things that make me question him/his target audience/his motives:

He has developed a theory of news delivery in the future called EPIC, or Evolving Personalized Information Construct. It's idea is that MSM will become obsolete as everyone will get personalized news content delivered to them vie the Internet, news that's collected and edited entirely by computers based on an individuals' web-surfing habits. This could either be good or bad--kind of an uber-Big Brother: we know what sites you're visiting and we can edit the info updates you receive from those sites.

Pilot Project's head of programming is David Neuman who has worked executive positions at NBC, CNN, Disney, and 20th Century Fox. Pretty mainstream for a project that sounds revolutionary and democratic on paper.

Finally, Robin Sloan's home page has a link to a picture of him and Dick Cheney--kinda. The link is entitled "For your amusement."

So I'm wondering: is Pilot Project a good thing, or something we on the left should be wary of?
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 11:52 PM
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1. Unknowingly posted during SotU, sank like a stone. Kicking it back up.
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