Dick Morris Has Gone Too Far In today's New York Post editorial, Dick Morris has actually suggested that in order for Bush to avoid defeat in 2004, he needs to push terror as the key issue in the national debate. He asks the question why Bush is failing, and answers it with a suggestion to keep terror front and center in the mind of the public. HELLO! FEAR CAMPAIGNING ANYONE! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! THERE IS NO THEM COMING OVER HERE! IT IS ALL A SCHEME TO GET RE-ELECTED! Don't believe me, well listen to Dick Morris himself: "The solution for Bush is to put terrorism back on the front burner by high profile and aggressive action against Iran and/or North Korea." Since when have we allowed our country to make War and pick new wars as an election ploy? What has happened to our country?
# posted by Steven : 9/9/2003 09:35:39 AM
Shout Out
Why George Bush is Not a Republican Everyone, put your helmets on, we've been noticed! I fully expect the Bush Regime to come after me now and flame my home because I am a Republican Speaking out against a Regime which is sending our nation over a cliff, and has many reasonable Democrats using the word "Fascism." I'll put it bluntly. To borrow a word from Generation Dean, George Bush Sucks! The last time we had a Republican President who lied this much to the American people, we threw Dick Nixon's ass straight out of the White House. Bush has lied to you, he has lied to me, he has lied to our allies, and no one is talking about it. Republicans are walking around in a malaise, fearing that Abdul will blow up their mom's chess club meeting, because Bushy and Rummy want you to be afraid. John Ashcroft has taken away free thought in this country, and the Treasury Department is on Permanent Vacation, running the money press in the back room. Our current White House is being run Enron Style, with a $525 Billion dollar Deficit, which is targeted, according to Paul Krugman former nutcase, to destroy and repeal all of the New Deal era programs. Do you really want Bush to take away your Grandma's Medicare? Or your Social Security? We are experiencing economic terrorism on a wholesale basis, and it has got to stop! Bush ran for President as a compassionate conservative who wished to give back to the people what they earned. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TAX CUTS DON'T MEAN SQUAT IF YOU CAN'T FIND A FRIKEN JOB! He gave a few bucks to a whole bunch of people, me included, but he took away 3.3 Million Jobs, he's grown Non-Defense Discretionary Spending by 20%, and he's sold us a war which now promises to bankrupt us. Worst of all, he now advocates Government intrusion into the most basic 10th Amendment institution, Marriage. I'm a state's rights guy and I don't think Government should go anywhere near Marriage. George Bush isn't your Father's Republican. He's your Grandfather's Fascist, hell bent upon keeping Americans ignorant of the truth, the budget on a course toward Banana Republic financing, Republicans in fear of attack from the new Bogie Man, and our central defense underfunded. For heaven's sake, he has totally left the War on Terrorism Behind! Remember when the Central Front was the Home Front? I could give a rat's ass about Al Queda in Iraq, which we invited there through our baseless war. I'm worried about New York's Subways, Los Angeles' downtown, and San Francisco's Bridges. Bush has forgotten that on his way to salvage his poll numbers with his latest campaign of fear and gutless political Patriotism. Front lines of freedom, what a joke! The front lines of freedom are and always have been the American heart, our nation's soul. Bush has sold that down the river for re-election in 2004! KICK THE LYING BUM OUT NOW!
# posted by Steven : 9/9/2003 08:38:25 AM
11 Shout Outs
gee winnies! That's only two paragraphs of it! more here ... :D