It seems like the apple has not fallen far from the tree regarding our new governor, Jodi Rell, John Rowland¡¯s right hand woman for 10 years. She is a Republican, but seems to be trying to use that "awe shucks" country bumpkin attitude to win over voters and has managed to be teflon in relation to Rowland scandals, despite the administration otherwise seeping with rampant corruption...
Faced with a growing and troublesome budget gap, Gov. M. Jodi Rell announced a state-employee hiring freeze on Jan. 14. She said the only exceptions to the agency-wide crackdown would be "when there are questions of public safety, homeland security or public health."
So then, how to explain Mrs. Rell's announcement this week that a Republican compatriot had been hired as director of the governor's Southwestern Connecticut Regional Office in Bridgeport? Given that most of what the satellite office performs is constituent service and outreach, it's hard to imagine that such a job falls within the purview of public safety, homeland security or public health.
The appointment of Robert D. Russo III, who ran unsuccessfully in the 22nd Senate District, comes on the heels of another political hire - Catherine Marx to head the governor's satellite office in Norwich. Ms. Marx, who was defeated in the 19th Senate District race, will earn $55,000 a year.
A third GOP partisan, Linda Agnew, was named executive director of the governor's residence, despite the fact that Mrs. Rell doesn't live there full time and mainly uses the mansion for entertaining and official events. Ms. Agnew is being paid $73,000.,0,7440505.story?coll=hc-headlines-editorials