My Open Letter to the LIAR Mr. Bush.
I watched your SOTBS speech last night Mr. Bush and as expected everything you said was a LIE. First let's talk about the company you keep. As you know, Satan is a LIAR. LIES are the foundation for all other sins. If evil is a tree then LIES are the roots. So why do you LIE about everything? You LIE because you STEAL! It's all in your speech. You're NOT saving Social Security, you're STEALING it. Your STEALING the elderly's life savings to pay back your criminal buddies at the Wall Street Banks. After all, They were your biggest contributers. The "Devil's in the Details" and the TWO TRILLION DOLLAR transition costs ARE the details. Here's what you really said. "I'm going to STEAL America's life savings and split it with the boys on the street." "I'm going to TWO TRILLION DOLLARS on the credit card and make the children pay it off. You're a MAGGOT Mr. Bush You're an EVIL GREEDY PIG. No, you're worse than that. You're a fucking HUMAN CASH REGISTER! CHA CHING Saddam Hussein had the "oil for food program". You have the Social Security for Bush program. Saddam stole billions from his people. You're stealing trillions. The only difference between Saddam and yourself is the amount of zeros behind the "booty". And only a person who's pure evil would try to turn children against their grandparents. "Come on little children, throw grandma and grandpa into poverty. "IT'S YOUR MONEY." Only a MAGGOT would try to CORRUPT the children. You say Social Security is bankrupt. I say, "Where's the weapons of mass destruction, you fucking LIAR". Your immigration plan is nothing but a "bring back slavery scheme". The Confederate South is back. "Come on all you Mexicans, get up here." The plantations are ready and open for business. CHA CHING! And of course you're against stem cell reserch. That would actually cure dieases instead of "managing" them and the DRUG DEALERS at Big Pharma wouldn't like that. Curing dieases is BAD FOR BUSINESS. About Iraq. Please spare us the Bull Shit about how you have given the Iraqi people democracy. PLEEEEEZZZZZEEEE! You picked the candidates and you counted the votes. We KNOW what happens when you do that. ANOTHER STOLEN ELECTION! What kind of monster would steal the Iraqi peoples right to vote, BEFORE they even get it? Only a scum bag criminal. The Iraqi people will have REAL democracy when they, GET THEIR OIL BACK. We know you'll do that when "Hell freezes over", or the Iraqi peoples blue fingers fall off, whichever comes first. You're building 14 military bases. Your exit plan is called NEVER! Besides you need a place to launch new wars from. Here that Syria and Iran? You really DO love KILLING OUR TROOPS. Dead troops are making you SO RICH! You even had the nerve to STEAL their body armor money. 3 TIMES! Boy, you got a lot of nerve. As for your "Faith Based Programs". Tell all your CORRUPT preachers to, GET OFF THE DOLE. We're NOT putting up with CHRISTIAN WELFARE QUEENS. All of you LAZY Christians out there, HEAR THIS! "Get a fucking JOB". Get your pig snouts out of the trough or risk getting your churches TAXED. Asbestos lawsuits are CODE for "SAVE HALIBURTON" and your energy plan is MO MONEY for rich Texas OILMEN like you. CHA CHING! And I really think you should shut up about the poor insurance companies and frivilous lawsuits. Can you say ELIOT SPITZER? Finally. If you want to protect marriage why don't you start with your own and stop fucking your second wife CONDI RICE! It's not MORAL Mr. Bush. Right now your moral values are LIE STEAL and MURDER. It would be awful to have to add ADULTERY too. You STEAL everything and CORRUPT everyone. There's no end to your GREED so go ahead and suck up everything. I hope your greedy stomach explodes. The TRUTH is you're destroying America. You're a LIAR and a CRIMINAL Mr. Bush. You're also a TRAITOR! Delibertly BANKRUPTING the country for nothing but "personal profit" is called "TREASON" and any member of congress who votes for ANY of this crap is committing TREASON right along with you. So, go ahead Republicans, vote for his plan. I DARE YOU. Democrats. You heard him! The LIAR has just declared war on 99% of the country. Your reply last night SUCKED. Why don't you hire Howard Dean's speech writer. When it comes to Bush the only words that matter are LIAR FRAUD CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL! It's only 4 words. USE THEM! My final word to you Mr. Bush is "Go straight to Hell" and take your HATEFUL koolaid-drinking evangelicals with you. I'm sure you'll be comfortable with all that STOLEN money sitting in your Demon account at the Bank of Hell. Calling all patriots. Stop this bastard now while we still have a country. Hopefully there is one honest Republican left in the country. THE GREAT LOOTING HAS BEGUN TRAITORS WILL BE HUNG CHA CHING CHA CHING CHA CHING!!!!!!!!