Great Leader Chimpus Khan's overarching theme is this "Ownership Society" bullshit. I see it as a bucket in which they carry their lies. These fuckwads want nothing more than to tear down and reduce to dust anything that benefits people unlike themselves.
Conservatives have been about this since the start of the New Deal and went into overdrive with the Great Society. I know. I was a conservative when I was young and stupid. I am now 35 years (at least) past the time I so identified myself. I am now old and far less stupid. And I am one wary motherfucker. I don't trust these bastards as far as I could throw the First Sluts' beer bottles.
The Ownership Society. Let's go for some visuals, here. Imagine that house you own. Now put up a big fucking fence. Locked and alarmed gate. Big-assed Dobermans roaming your 1/4 acre of suburbia. Isolate yourself. keep out them dark skinned "folks". You own it, buddy. 'S'yours. Divide and conquer. Isolate. Build resentment and fear among the populace.
Another visual. Kid inna bank. Making a deposit into his "personal retirement account". All hopeful and shit. Full of himself. Feelin' like a tycoon, there, what with having a broker all his own, yanno? Seeing a rosy future. Each buck be puts in, unbeknownst to said cocky kid, deprives him of one more crumb of the American Safety Net of Yore. Now fast forward on to an older and grizzled looking picture of that same young kid. Life ain't so good. He's part of the first generation of Americans to actually earn less than his parents. They hadda little ..... uh ...... "issue" in the market back in 2022. Seems some scumbag motherfuckers in the energy biz screwed the pooch. All those bux the kid put in. Poof. And the American Safety Net of Yore? Sorry kid. None for you. You own *that* (pointing to the hill of dog shit and IOUs that was once his hope for a safe and tolerable retirement).
Need another visual to give ya even more hope? How about owning your own medical fund? You know. The one that is "better than Medicare and national health insurance and the Super Bowl and sliced bread combined"? Yeah. That one. Same sorta shit as that cocky kid in the last vignette. Only worse. Cuz this time, you get all hopeful and shit that yer wife's cancer's gunna get cured. Great docs. Lotsa cool machines and shit keepin' her livin' See, her color's coming back. But wait. Ooops. Sorry fella. Gotta pull a few plugs. Yer outta money, son. Sorry about yer wife, there. Maybe the color back thing was overstated. She was gunna die soon anyhow. Now move along. Oh, and take care of yourself, ya hear?
The right wing is EXPERT at packaging and deflecting. This may well be even more audacious than anything they've done so far. They will be chipping away at things for as long as it takes. They are despicable and low life, but even worse. They are tenacious. They make junk yard dogs look like puppies. They cloak their larger mission in semi-acceptable rhetoric.
Ownership Society. Right ......
Fuck you. Get your hands off what I own, you lowlife motherfucking shitbirds. You will not fuck me. You will not fuck my wife. You will not fuck my kids. You will not fuck my friends. You will not fuck my town. You will not fuck my country. You will not fuck the world.
You may, however, go fuck yourselves.