Turkey: Sibel Edmonds: FBI's Compromised Security Damages Turkey's Security, Too
Posted on Thursday, February 03 @ 08:05:00 EST by CDeliso
In a new interview for the Turkish publication Vatan, former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds provides a general recap of her extraordinary story (the details of which can be found at, but also provides several new details of interest to Vatan’s Turkish audience.
In the enigmatic fashion that has characterized all of Edmonds’ under-the-gag-order limited disclosures, the outspoken whistleblower claims in the Jan. 28 interview that “...the criminal activities which I complained about were also threatening the Turkish people’s interest and Turkish national security.”
This comment came in the context of Edmonds’ well-known allegation regarding former colleague Melek Can Dickerson, also of Turkish extraction and married to Air Force Major Douglas Dickerson. She claimed that the pair had threatened her after failing to recruit her into an international criminal ring that had infiltrated the US security apparatus, hampering FBI investigations into Turks suspected of involvement in what Edmonds has previously loosely described as a “semi-legitimate” organization. This group was involved, according to Edmonds, in things like arms and drug smuggling and relied on a complex web of governmental and non-governmental figures in several countries. She has not stated whether this organization has been eliminated since her sudden termination from the FBI in spring 2002.