...yet 54% "approved" of the cuts. I guess we love the rich.
Amazing, isn't it?
This was all extracted from
here.Here we go....
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Sept. 23-24, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Do you think the 2003 tax cuts have helped your family's finances this year?"
Have Helped: 30%
Have Not Helped: 61%
Not Sure: 6%
Didn't Receive (vol.): 3%======================================================================
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. July 14-Aug. 5, 2003. N=2,528 adults nationwide. MoE ± 2.
"In recent years, President Bush and Congress have made two major cuts in federal income tax rates. Do you approve or disapprove of these tax cuts?"
Approve: 54%
Disapprove: 37%
Don't Know: 9%======================================================================
This is where it gets real crazy...
The Gallup Poll. April 5-8, 2004. N=1,014 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"As I read off some different groups, please tell me if you think they are paying their fair share in federal taxes, paying too much, or paying too little. How about..."
Upper-income people: 63%======================================================================
63% responded that the rich pay too little, and the cuts were aimed directly at the top 2-10%. Could it be that people aren't getting very good information regarding public policy? Could it be? Huh, could it be?
Their instincts about their personal well being are pretty good, their ideas about public policy however suck.
EDIT: Where does this policy deficit come from? Perhaps a Corpo Media that's owned by people who benefitted from these cuts?