sued for delivering cookies
DURANGO, Colorado (AP) -- Two teenage girls who surprised their neighbors with homemade cookies late one night were ordered to pay nearly $900 in medical bills for a woman who says she was so startled that she had to go to the hospital.
Judge Doug Walker declined Thursday to award punitive damages, saying he did not believe the girls acted maliciously.
Taylor Ostergaard, 17, and Lindsey Jo Zellitti, 18, baked the chocolate chip and sugar cookies one night last July.
They made packages with a half-dozen cookies each and added large red or pink construction-paper hearts that carried the message, "Have a great night."
The teens said they did not answer when the woman called out because they wanted the treats to be a surprise.
So just how fucked up is this? You do something nice for a neighbor and they zing you with a $900 bill? In court? Is this the textbook definition of a frivolous lawsuit?
I can full understand if someone did this and left a flaming bag of shit on the doorstep, but over fucking COOKIES?
Remind me not to do anything nice for anyone in Durango Colorado. I might just wind up in jail.