It depends on what it is she wants to discuss really.
I would say that if she is interested in History, then some of the mentioned books above are great ideas. If she is interested in the crimes of this admin, she will have to start with JFK background, so that Watergate and current situations have context. I would even suggest reading Hegel because there is a heavy handed mentality at play here. If she had a few years to really dig in, why would even suggest going back to the Reformation period to see how the Confederacy went under ground.
Plausible Denial: by Mark Lane (JFK assasin...now you may think this is conspiracy theory junk; but I have long suspected that a President would not resign over a little break in, nor would a reporter buy that as a reason. My guess is that deep throat made a deal with Woodward to trace the break-in to the White House as long as the real questions regarding the break in were left alone. Given the current environment, hard to call this theory as opposed to a "working model.") JFK's death leads directly to LBJ > Nixon and this entire administration: Rummy, Wolfie, Kissinger, Bush Sr., Cheney, Perle, etc.
A good read about how the Watergate break-in was funded: (The "how" of this is fascinating, especially the "rat/f**cking" stuff." The why is never fully answered to my satisfaction).
I would also suggest reading this wonderful collection of speeches by MLK:
A Call to Conscience : The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (to again understand that Republicans have no heroes... Lincoln is not of their party, they claim to be of his party).
Moving right along:
The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House by Seymour Hersh (remember, this guy is still around in more ways than just being pundit)
1984 By George Orwell because that is where we are now.
Crossing the Rubicon by Mike Rupert (because it needs to be read)
I could go on and on, but I would probably frighten this 17 year old away from reading alltogether... history is not always a fun read, especially history that is not pre-packaged.
I would suggest Henry David Thoreau for what I think has always been where America should be.
Okay, I will shut up now... just had to throw those in. (note, no spell check, like to wing it:))