becoming DNC chair. His approach is to focus locally, not start at President and work down. I believe we will see a far more committed effort to identify vulnerable seats in the House, and Senate as well, and to locate challengers that can run effectively against them. These challengers will be better funded, especially on the House side.
In the meantime we will be working to wrest back control of the state legislatures. Controlling these can make a big difference nationally as well. Consider what the Texas Republicans accomplished in their state house.
I believe that we can take the Senate back within the next 2 cycles, that is to say by 2008. Taking the House back will likely be more difficult but is certainly doable, especially if we continue to expose the Bush admin as the charlatans they are. In fact, the Bush people are making it easier by attempting to force through unpopular legislation now that he's a lame duck. They do not appear concerned about what effect this will have on Republicans in the House forced to toe the party line against their constituents wishes.
Buck up. We can do this.