Not a big deal at all in the grand scheme(s) of things. Still, amusing. Canseco's got a new book about his 'roid 'buse...and mentions a certain well-known politician.
His only protection, in fact, might be this — he probably is largely telling the truth. Is there really anyone left who believes Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi turned themselves into WWE action figures through hard work and Wheaties alone? Canseco writes that President Bush, as owner of the Rangers in the early 1990s, had to have known there was extensive steroid use on his roster (Canseco names Juan Gonzalez, Rafael Palmeiro and Ivan Rodriguez as users).
If Bush didn't know, it was only because he was like the parent who refuses to acknowledge the truth about a drug-using child even as the child comes home red-eyed nightly. Bush was, therefore, emblematic of those empowered to be vigilant — owners, union, commissioner, media. All of us either knew and mostly didn't care or played dumb., PLAYED dumb.