In today's Counterpunch on line, Paul Craig Roberts, an assistant secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan Administration has an excellent status report on the economic mismanagement of our country by the Republicans and raises the warning flag about where this thing is headed.
Link: Roberts correctly talks about how our economy is being sacrificed at the altar of imperial delusions of grandeur, I think it
is a logical out come of the way our economic interests have been subverted to serve the interests of corporations.If these corporations were good stewards and were prudent managers of the public trust, it would be one thing.But their whole attitude at every stage since the end of WWII ( probably even before) has been one of plunder.In this mad scramble for enrichment of the few at the expense of the many, they have impoverished the same corporations that have benefited them by piling on monstrous amounts of debt which has made it impossible for them to make a profit from continuing operations because the debt service has become a major item of their operationg costs.That is exactly what Bush has done to our own economy in the short years he has been at the top of our political structure.
It is this inability to make a profit in normal ways that has given rise to accounting shenanigans by the likes of Andersen, gimmicks by noncorporations like Enron and outright fraud by unqualified men like Ebbers and Kozlowski.I am sure that Bush is seeking a way out of his tax cuts by raiding the Social Security Trust Fund, cutting off all programs that help our children, elderly and the handicapped so he can pursue more imperial adventures and blame everyone who questions him as unpatriotic.
I think, as Paul Craig Roberts says, our imperial delusions will have a limited run when the Japanese and the Chinese call in our debts and switch to the Euro or a basket of more stable currencies.
In the process many of our own citizens and countless innocent foreign citizens will meet violent ends.