I started another thread regarding the truth about the Bush Cartel and their agenda,and got this typical response from one of the many disheartened. My solution is below his response; and in typical egomaniacal Captain Mike-ness, I thought I'd use it to start another thread.
""But here is the problem: I can't share this with anyone. Ok, there are some people who would listen, but 99.5% of the general public would probably just look at me like I was a total fucking loon if I trade to explain this stuff to them.
So what do I do? I feel like I am going to end up being one of those homeless guys on the street with a big fucking sign that says "The End is Near." Only it won't be religious or anything, just an "FYI" for sheeple as they pass by in their cars.""
(my answer)
You KNOW what to do.
Keep talking about this, spreading this around. It'll get the message out!
Start with your close friends. Talk to them. Take time to explain things and back them up with links and evidence. They'll tell their friends.
All you need to start with is ONE other person to tell this too. And then, it'll happen...
You'll be at a party, a cookout, bar, whatever. You will probably, like I do, after a drink or two, loosen your own boundaries about what you consider to be "impolite" conversation at a party, and you'll bring up this "conspiracy crap."
The time for politeness is OVER!
The stranger, or nodding acquaintance that you've brought this up with will be like, "no way," "stop," and do that hand-waving gesture in front of him, either with both hands or one hand, depending on whether it's holding a beer or a soggy paper plate with a hotdog on it. Either way, the gesture always reminds me of Pilate washing his hands.
Then, it'll happen...
That buddy of yours that you actually took the time to patiently explain this all to a few weeks back, that friend of yours who bothered to look over your shoulder as you rushed over to your computer as you utilized both your friend and mine, GOOGLE, and SHOWED the PROOF of what you were ranting about? Remember him?
Then it'll happen...
That buddy of yours, after hearing the heated exchange between you and this newfound-yet-unwilling-apostate, will suddenly appear at your side, look this non-believer in the eye and say,
"dude, check it out. It's true. I didn't wanna believe it at first. I thought my buddy'd gone off the deep end, but then I went home and looked it all up, and it's friggin' scary, but it' friggin' true."
It's such a simple thing, and it works! The dude might even still be like, "well...I dunno, it just sounds so crazy." But the bug will be firmly planted. He will at least start to LISTEN. Even if for only another minute or two, he'll be hooked. It's amazing how simple. All you needed was one other person to back you up.
If I were a duplicitous chap, it's sorta like teaming up with a "plant" at your sidewalk 3-card Monte scheme, who pretends to win in order to draw others over. It works! Use people's gulliblity "against" them by actually being FOR them with the TRUTH. The exception being, YOU are for REAL.
You have the TRUTH on your side!
A little over a year ago, I started, "The Captain's List," an email weblog to about eight people that I knew who at least were willing to humor me and read some of what I was ranting about. I'm an actor, and was doing a play in LA. I got a "rep" as being a "conspiracy guy" amongst the cast. In fact, I overheard one guy to another, who didn't know I was sitting there in the darkened wings of the theater, say, "can you believe Mike and all his conspiracy shit?" They both chuckled.
Well now, "The Captain's List" has expanded to over eighty members, and that very same guy who chuckled at me last summer is now emailing ME stuff, saying "Hey Captain, did you SEE this? Check this out!"
And one highlight of mine, which I've brayed about before, is getting a certain favorite activist-actress of ours here at DU to be on "The Captain's List," too. WE met while performing last February at the Aspen Comedy Festival; she was willing to listen, and I was more than willing to monopolize her time at this party because I believed so much in getting the truth out. Luckily she felt the same way!
I went from being "Conspiracy Mike" to my struggling actor pals, to being a guy who was personally faxing talking points and political factoids to said actress last month as she was co-hosting CROSSFIRE. At her request!
Don't despair! Now get out there and tell ONE other person about all this...
Then go to a cookout (or a comedy festival)!
"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation... It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." RFK - Day of Affirmation Address, University of Capetown, South Africa, June 6, 1966
Captain Mike