any of you receive the spam email that right wingers are sending to everyone about the sculpture of the soldier made by an Iraqi. I received one from a friend, she's not a republican, but she votes republican because she hangs out with mostly republican people. Well I kindly responded with the snopes attachment and told her that her email was misleading and that she should think before forwarding such nonsense. Apparently, one of her friends responded back to me with this email:
thank you for the follow up , I don't know if catgirl has on site person in Iraq , as I my husband.
these people lived under cruel dictatorship and everything they did was in some way related to Suddam
my husband tells me stories about these people always living in fear of any words, or actions that could bring death
or death to their family.
I don't dispute that the bronze metal was melted down and carried to Kalat by US soldiers, however they did not
put a gun to his head or threaten to shot his family to erect the statue. I am sure that the monies paid to Kalat was well received considering the present situation in Iraq.
This one lady that worked with my husband was so afraid to speak good about americans, because she was afraid of getting killed by Suddam's followers, one night she did lose her sister at the hands of follower of Suddam, she herself lost an arm.
my husband's company sent her to an office compound closer to the border. I believe at this time she has left Iraq to live with relatives in another country.
Suddam utilized anyone to his own advantage with threats including but not limited to people with business backgrounds.
It irritates me when people distort good news.
I didn't respond to her because I don't know her but who is she irritated by? Me or is it I am thinking of responding to her to tell her if she thinks the explanation of the statue is bogus, she should send them an email with proof of what she say. Or should I not get involved in this? What do you guys think?