The RW plays to the fears, and basest emotions in people. they play to the mean-spiritness, greediness, and selfishness that is appealing to many people. How nice to not have to care...to be told it isn't YOUR FAULT that other people are starving (even though they are starving to fuel the rich people's enrichment)
And they DO care about the unborn. They care about it only because they want to control women's choices. If they are so pro-life, then why is it that they go to the hilt to "protect" life in the womb, then give that same life a giant middle finger once it emerges from the womb into a world of poverty?
They cut education programs, Head Start, they cut welfare programs, social safety nets for FOOD, they cut school-lunch programs, they cut funding for LIHEAP (which provides heating fuel for poor families in the Northeast) meaning those families now have to choose between heat and food...they cut Medicaid/Medicare funding so that poor children who need medical attention do not get it....
And then they wonder why, after a life of desperation and deprivation, there is such a high crime rate!
Oh, they deal with THAT by putting the person away. They love to mete out punishment after the fact, but do NOTHING to address the root cause of the problem BEFORE a tragedy occurs.
And just look at the inequity of it all...crimes more often committed by the poor are treated far more harshly than the crimes most often committed by the rich.
May I hold up for your examination, Ken Lay...he fucked over thousands of families, robbed them of their pensions and jobs...their very fucking livelihood...and left them to fend for themselves while he bailed in a golden parachute...I bet if we're lucky he does six months in a Federal country Club...but the junkie who holds up a 7-Eleven for fifty bucks and a Mars Bar will get 25 years!