Edited on Tue Feb-08-05 11:49 AM by Stop_the_War
Iran has a population of 69 million, roughly THREE times as much as Iraq. Contrary to American ignorance, Iran is not ruled by Ayatollahs. Iran is a constitutional republic. In recent years, the people of Iran have been electing reformist Presidents. The current president, Mohammad Khatami, is known as a reformer and is opposed to the influence of the conservative Islamist political groups. He was educated in WESTERN PHILOSOPHY at Isfahan University. Please note this man was democratically elected by the people. Iran has a Parliament, and its members or re-elected or replaced in general elections every 4-years. Elections for the President are held every four years.
I think Iran is one of the most, if not THE MOST, democratic governments in the Middle East. According to Iran's constitution, women can vote AND even run for the office of the President.
I think the neo-conservatives will have a hard-sell of trying to convince people their mission in Iran is one of "democracy". But with America's docile and easy-to-brainwash population, I don't have much hope that Americans in general will protest the coming war, unless the neo-conservatives try to bring back the draft.
Iran is on the way to reform and invading Iran will only re-ignite conservative Islam in the country and it will mean the U.S. will put a puppet President in Iran for U.S. oil interests.
It amazes me how millions of Americans are incapable of pure logic. Don't they realize that Bush has been invading MIDDLE EASTERN nations, of which oil is plentiful. Why is Bush only concerned about "spreading democracy" in the Middle East? People should wake up and realize that fact, that this "War on Terror" is a sham and only makes people fearful. War has always been a war between countries or groups. War cannot fight terrorism. To invade Muslim nations would only anger them more, increasing terrorism. If I am ever asked if I fear terrorists, I will answer, "The terrorists that I fear are of white skin and are in the White House and Congress" because that is a true, and sad fact. The U.S. has the world's largest nuclear weapons program, has the most "weapons of mass destruction", and uses many illegal weapons (napalm for instance) in its illegal occupations of countries. The U.S. supplies more aid to Israel than the combined U.S. aid to the entire continent of Africa. Do Americans realize WHY they are so hated in the world?
"Spreading freedom" and "democracy" are neo-con lies, because they ignore the fact that in recent years, democracy has all been destroyed in the United States. The U.S. is allies with Saudi Arabia, possibly the second worst regime in the world (second to our own U.S. regime) in regards to human rights. This is another clue that the U.S. only cares about oil interests.
When the neo-cons invade Iran, I will cry tears of sadness for the world. I hope the Iranian people will find the courage to fight off U.S. occupation and drive them out. Bush must be stopped before it is too late. There was another time, several decades ago, when a madman dictator decided he was going to invade the entire world, and the world defeated him. I can only hope that the madman known as Bush can be defeated also.