While he's barely started destroying Social Security, Buxh is making quiet moves to ELIMINATE employer funded health care.
Just today on CNN he spoke again of "private health care savings accounts".
I'm not sure where to begin countering Buxh's multi-front attack on the working people of America.
WASHINGTON — Emboldened by their success at the polls, the Bush administration and Republican leaders in Congress believe they have a new opportunity to move the nation away from the system of employer-provided health insurance that has covered most working Americans for the last half-century.
In its place, they want to erect a system in which workers — instead of looking to employers for health insurance — would take personal responsibility for protecting themselves and their families: They would buy high-deductible "catastrophic" insurance policies to cover major medical needs, then pay routine costs with money set aside in tax-sheltered health savings accounts.
Elements of that approach have been on the conservative agenda for years, but what has suddenly put it on the fast track is GOP confidence that the political balance of power has changed.
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/la-na-health31jan31,1,2508032,print.story?coll=la-news-politics-national&ctrack=2&cset=trueKeeping in mind that nearly half of all bankruptcies are because of med bills:
Half of all U.S. bankruptcies are caused by soaring medical bills and most people sent into debt by illness are middle-class workers with health insurance, researchers said on Wednesday.
The study, published in the journal Health Affairs, estimated that medical bankruptcies affect about 2 million Americans every year, if both debtors and their dependents, including about 700,000 children, are counted.
"Our study is frightening. Unless you're Bill Gates (news - web sites) you're just one serious illness away from bankruptcy," said Dr. David Himmelstein, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School (news - web sites) who led the study.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&ncid=578&e=8&u=/nm/20050202/ts_nm/health_bankruptcy_dc"Ownership society" my ass.