This is how the BFEE is proposing to screw cities states and counties by nailing the Community Development Block Grants.
Read the pdf press release
here.From the listserve message:
I think it is important to stress that this isn't just a "restructuring" ... it's the elimination of CDBG (and 17 other programs) to be replaced with something as of yet undefined but certainly at dramatically less funding. It is also clear that the new pool of funding will be much more restricted. I'd also focus on the fact that these funds are used for a wide array of projects and have direct connection to housing and economic development.
The three main threats seem to be:
1. dramatically less money
2. completely new program structure and requirements aimed at limiting access
3. commerce vs. hud oversight brings different program philosophy
and a good fourth point is noting that CDBG $ is used
in conjunction with Sec 108 loans and it is far from clear that these new grants will serve the same purpose ... that is, it could not only restrict the flow of funds but also inflict new costs relative to old 108 loans.
This is serious folks, very serious.
EDIT: I should add that this move is a blatant attempt to crush HUD and larger municipalities who vote Liberal. Their new proposed eligibility criteria will likely disqualify larger places that have huge inequality in wealth. Their "median" incomes will appear too high because of the weight at the top. Places like LA, Chicago, New York will take the hit, places in the underpopulated middle of the country will take the bounty.
This is overt racial, class and political, warfare on a scale that's truly disturbing.
PS EDIT: I just can't make the subject line enticing...I shall try one last time...Should I add abortion to it?