June 29- Homosexual prostitution probe ensnares officials of Bush, Reagan. 'Call boys' took midnight tour of the White House. " It seemed a homosexual prostitution ring was under investigation by federal and District authorities and included among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite. Editors of The Times said the newspaper would print only the names of those found to be in sensitive government posts or positions of influence.
June 29- Call-boy service prospers using high finance, high tech. Elaborate telephone switching equipment and out-of-town check cashing and credit card processing centers made it possible for Washington's homosexual escort services to launder hundred of thousands of dollars annually from clients....
June 30- Power broker served drugs, sex at parties bugged for blackmail. It seems a 48-year-old D.C. power broker who had long been linked to a homosexual prostitution ring was under investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office. He threw glittery parties for key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, media stars and top military officers, bugged the gatherings to compromise guests, provided cocaine, blackmailed some associates and spent up to $20,000 a month on male prostitutes.
June 30- Capital has long been seduced by tales of sexual impropriety by noted Washingtonians which is almost as old as the nation itself. The article went on to describe sexual peccadillos of others in high places.
June 30 - The Republican National Committee calls the scandal a "tragic situation". A Justice Department spokesman said the investigation was being led by the Secret Service but denied the government was investigating the possibility that homosexuals held senior posts during the Reagan administration or were compromised by blackmail or by Soviet agents who may have used young male prostitutes for espionage purposes...and the White House distanced itself from the reports.
However, Rep. Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat and self-proclaimed homosexual had threatened to reveal a list of Republican homosexuals in Congress. He said he was "not surprised" by the revelations. He said almost all Republican homosexuals were "in the closet so there is the impression there aren't any Republicans..." Former Congressman Bob Dornan (R-Cal) confirmed recently on his radio talk show that Barney was right.
July 11, 2003,+Sex+Escort+Ring&hl=en