Flap number one: A top aid to MD Guv NaziBob Ehrlich admits to using Freeperville to start and spread infidelity rumors about O'Malley.
Flap number two: O'Malley rails on Chimpus Khan about his stiffing cities out of fed funding, terming the action as bad an attack on cities as was 9/11.
Here's how I see this. O'Malley (and probably other people in other states) is a Dem with balls and a real potential for future greatness. No sure thing, mind you, but a definite possibility. Like in 2016, maybe. he's 42 and a real star.
So .... the GOP Dirty Tricksters From Roveland paint a target on his young ass. And they go after him. In any way, shape, or form. Even while they go after Pelosi or Reid or Dean or Clark or Boxer or ???? with their first team, they go after the future stars with the second team.
The guy who posted the original rumor to FR is a guy named Joseph Steffan, formerly of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, and until yesterday a $75K aid to NaziBob. Tell me he's not a professional hit man-in-training.
So ..... O'Malley gets slimeballed. But he also says something over the top that the right could latch onto (Bush is a 9/11-like city destroyer). But, given the timing of the revelations, it appears O'Malley's teflon jacket will continue to be operative. Meanwhile, NaziBob looks bad.
But ...... at the core of it all, I honestly believe there's a coordinated effort from the right to decapitate the Dem rising stars before they go on to anything with national visibility.
Fore warned is fore armed