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More on the Fargo blacklist of DFA...."Red-faced badge of courage"

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 01:29 AM
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More on the Fargo blacklist of DFA...."Red-faced badge of courage"
A humorous look at some of the people on the list. It is amazing to me that this got so little publicity. Very tongue in cheek column...funny.§ion=Columnists&columnist=John%20Lamb

SNIP.."It's only the middle of February and already I have my Halloween costume set.

While friends are decked out in outrageous and exotic costumes, I will cloak myself in the ultimate mysterious disguise - the "overzealous volunteer," the covert character who circulated a list of 42 people barred from President Bush's visit to Fargo last week."

SNIP..."While speculation grows that the name of the Watergate leak known only as "Deep Throat" will be announced shortly, the identity of the list's source has yet to be revealed. What is known is that the majority of those on the list were at one point supporters of Howard Dean during his failed bid for the Democratic endorsement for president last year.

Jason Stverak, executive director of the North Dakota Republican Party, said last week, "I don't know if we'd ever be able to find out what overzealous volunteer it is or anything like that. ... We'll talk to people and stuff, but it will be impossible."

Impossible? It's rather unsettling that the same presidential administration that took credit for plucking Saddam Hussein from a spider hole can't finger the person in its own camp responsible for handing out the "Dean's List."

This does not bode well for American intelligence and security.."

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DFLforever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 01:50 AM
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1. It's winter and very cold in Fargo
and not much is going on. They'll be talking about this for weeks yet. The Repubs are acting like they have egg all over their face. Very embarrassing for them.

But like you, madfla, I'm surprised people haven't made more of the deeper implications of the Bush list.

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