I ask for legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp for the United States. If you don't know the facts please check out the references at the bottom of the petition. It will be a great start to the truth on the "War On Drugs" targeting Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp. Did you know the United States is the only developed country not growing HEMP for products! Yes, it is now legal to buy hemp products in the United States but all the products are imported. Marijuana as medicine has helped millions of people through out history. It has been used with life threatening illnesses such as, Cancer, Aids, Hepatitis, and Multiple Sclerosis. Marijuana has also been used for Muscle Spasms, Headache/Migraines, Glaucoma, and has aided in the shirking of Tumors, just to name a few. There are no cases of death due to smoking Marijuana. In fact Marijuana shows less side effects than many remedies on the market, including Aspirin. We have only begun to explore the possibilities of its medical properties. On September 6, 1988, the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chief Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, ruled: "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man," and asked the Drug Enforcement Administration to reschedule it.
We have to stop putting our people in jail and prison for possession of Marijuana. “Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to a individual than the use of the drug”, President Jimmy Carter – Aug 1997. Let it be legal and governed similar to Alcohol. The war on drugs is a major force (particularly marijuana) driving the incarceration of over 2.1 million people in the United States. FBI statistic indicated that 1 marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds.
I invite you to join us in signing the petition, don’t forget to tell everyone where they can sign too,One Moment for Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp petition. If you’re unsure how you feel, please check out some facts from the references. Search your Heart and Soul and Act now to help save millions People and Families. It will only cost you your signature and maybe a stamp if you mail it in. I ask everyone from around the world, help us Say Enough Already! Thank you everyone. to see petition and othe information www.onemomentpetition.com