Former aides to ex-Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) were among those cheering Wednesday's abrupt resignation of reporter Jeff Gannon from Talon News, a Web site affiliated with the conservative-activist site GOPUSA...
Daschle aides are elated because Gannon wrote extensively about the South Dakota Senate race, and former Daschle aides claim that the writer was essentially carrying water for Sen. John Thune's (R-S.D.) successful campaign. Gannon fired away at everything linked to Daschle's campaign, even writing a spate of articles attacking the dean of the state's political writers, Sioux Falls Argus-Leader columnist Dave Kranz, for allegedly shilling for Daschle.
"He and Thune's campaign worked hand in hand," said one former Daschle aide. "This guy became a dumping ground for opposition research." we add Salon and Boston GLobe to the MSM now carrying the story. Life can be soooooo GOOD. :D