Spin City w/ candidate & camp interviews on FOX now
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Tue Sep-09-03 09:01 PM
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Spin City w/ candidate & camp interviews on FOX now |
Edited on Tue Sep-09-03 09:04 PM by Tinoire
Carl Cameron conducting. Have no idea what it will be like but could be interesting.
On edit- It's Hannity and Colmes but they're interviewing... Shartpon now. Don't know who's next but they'll interview them all individually.
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Tue Sep-09-03 09:20 PM
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Hannity: Why do democrats hate America?
Hannity: Why do democrats hate Freedom?
Colmes; Why are republicans so much better than us?
Colmes: When are you going to realize we democrats are all losers?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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