"As for law enforcement, there were only 33 armed and trained federal air marshals as of 9-11. They were not deployed on U.S. domestic flights..."
SF Chronicle page A3 August 31, 2004 "Air Marshal integrity called into question" states that
"Thousands of air marshals were rushed into service after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
This all begs the question: what were the President and the NSA's Condoleeza Rice thinking upon reading about the domestic terrorist hijackings described in the August 6, 2001 PDB ?
Along those same lines, with the redactions mentioned in the Countdown piece by Keith Olbermann, what was the FAA thinking and doing, specifically in regard to notifying the President and NSA, in case they were 'out of the loop' and FAA was the primary recipient of the intelligence ?
This all becomes more confusing considering that a Saudi software firm, Ptech, had FAA and intelligence computer access prior to and during the 9-11-01 attacks. When the wargames (such as Vigilant Warrior, etc., mentioned in the book "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael Ruppert and at
http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html ) were scheduled, the FAA should have required civilian passenger planes to have domestic air marshals, ya think ? And what better time to attack than during prescheduled wargames in order to mimic the actions already anticipated for.
One can only say that, in order to protect yourself as a citizen from terrorist attacks, we should demand to know when the military plans on holding wargames -- so as to be forewarned of when terrorists would most likely attempt to piggyback an attack onto prescheduled 'wargames'.