I am kind of new here... I thought I would share this from a couple years ago which I emailed and posted some places at the time....
As I am sure you know, our military has been in South Korea since the Korean War to serve as a "trip wire." That is, our troops presence put North Korea on notice that should they attack South Korea, they would have to fight South Korea's big brother, the United States.
Before the BBC changed formats in 2004, I was regular listener to their program
East Asia Today.One show, about mid 2003, they were interviewing several people in the region about Paul Wolfowitz's trip to Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Everyone knew that Wolfowitz was there to discuss the status of troops in South Korea and the region. With the expected need for troops in Iraq, the rumor was that Wolfowitz might announce the USA was going to pull ALL troops from South Korea.
During the BBC program, they were giving the opinions of the general population on the subject and said that many people were strongly against any troop withdrawal. Not unexpected, but the reason they gave surprised me. Seems that many people's biggest fear was that since Bush invaded Iraq, was calling countries "axis of evils" ...their biggest fear was that BUSH would start dropping bombs on North Korea as soon as the troops left. Many of them thought that if the troops weren't there, Bush would be MORE likely to ignite a war since our ground troops would be out of harms way -
do you understand?
They were saying the United States of America's military was deployed in Korea to protect the Korean's, all Koreans, FROM BUSH.
What ya think about them apples?