It's nice to think that eventually citizens will rise up in righteous fury and throw down a corrupt government. It doesn't work this way at all.
People fear change. The commoners who are used to obeying the law find it very hard to disobey when the law becomes oppressive. It's much more comforting to believe the propaganda - Most of us WOULD be much happier in our day to day lives if we believed our government was made up of good people who had our best interests at heart. The things we know are frightening and in a society that has bred submission and apathy since its founding can you be terribly surprised that most choose to ignore?
Each individual who makes serious attempts for social change will have to (metaphorically) drag approximately 1000 people along kicking and screaming. It's tough to face violent opposition when you have that much weight around your neck. The days of revolution are over. The population is too great and there are too many who have had all the fight bred out of them through propaganda, religion, wage-slavery, and gradually building oppression. "Taxation without representation" isn't enough of a catalyst to make people take action anymore. That was a mere firecracker - We've built a society where it's going to take a 100 megaton explosion to have a prayer of effect.
Sad truth, as I see it.