(edited title to relate to linked article)
Here's a link to an article about what I thought the problem was with Bush all along (and his supporters for that matter.) ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER!
http://www.newsday.com/news/columnists/ny-livit093447068sep09,0,1475180.column?coll=ny-news-columnists The problem with Bush is that he has attention deficit. He appeals to a lot of other Americans with the same disorder. And all of these people watch FOX TV, CNN and other dimwitted cable news. It caters to these stupid masses.
If FOX and other right wing media were to take a holiday for one week would the result be like that movie, Death takes a Holiday? Would everyone take notice or would they believe what they heard? If right wingers are having a hard time believing any truth now even if it manages to get through to them, and they are only able to pick up on fallacies like OSAMA AND SADDAM ARE CONNECTED, what would happen if FOX TAKES A HOLIDAY?
If a REAL liberal media could replace it for one week, would this cause these attention deficits to go haywire? After one week would they believe the news? Maybe the real test would be when FOX resumed their broadcast one week later. I think that many of these masses would be disrupted from their lifestyle and have to seek therapy. There's a chance that some of them might even be inspired to boycott FOX.