I was doing some research on the Boer War and found this poem on a web site about Lieutenant Harry "Breaker" Morant. Seemed apropros.
When a Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home
George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)
When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home,
Let him combat for that of his neighbors;
Let him think of the glories of Greece and of Rome,
And get knocked on his head for his labors.
To do good to mankind is the chivalrous plan,
And is always as nobly requited;
Then battle for freedom wherever you can,
And, if not shot or hanged, you'll get knighted.
http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.moviedetail/movie_id/25"This is what comes of empire building."