The difference between the Progressives and the republicans on this is the same as on so many other issues. The R's believe in a faith-based or fantasy world. The progressives believe in Reality.
The R's think MW jobs are only for teenagers, students and those earning pin money. If you are in a MW job without additional support (from Mom and Dad, spouse, Student loans, whatever) well, you deserve your plight! You must be stupid and undeserving of a higher wage or you are an illegal alien who can't interview for a better job.
The Progressives view the Reality in terms of "Fast Food/Hospitality Ghetto" as opposed to the Leave it to Beaver Fantasy World of why and how people work and live. Millions of American citizens work 2 or even 3 jobs (as Smirkaholic recently proudly pronounced "It's uniquely American!") just to keep a roof over their heads. They are not stupid. They are poor and tired and have zero time to go to school to earn that community night school degree in order to maybe make 3$ an hour more.
But it's a hopeless argument with the Dittoheads. I recently had an argument with a guy I know who works for Goodrich. He said they are desperately looking for workers (I'm guessing he makes $25/hr or more) because the lazy poor people who get hired just don't show up. Well, I can't argue about what happens at his workplace, but in my experience "laziness" is often attributed to people who have circumstances beyond anyone's knowledge except their supervisor.
For example, transportation. If Joe is driving a 1977 Chevy Nova 30 miles from the sticks to the tire plant every day to his new job, it's gonna put an increased burden on the junker and it will probably blow a head gasket he can't afford to fix. Now. Joe hasn't worked there long enough to have money to fix the car so he has no way to get to work (no public transportation in his area) except for bumming a ride or thumbing. Is he lazy? No.
The circumstances of reliable transportation, child care, health care (or lack thereof) and lack of basic utilities cause for a lot of people to "not last" in their new jobs. I've seen it personally. Yet, the wingers blame it on "laziness."
I'm not saying there are not poor lazy folks who simply don't want to work hard and get to work on time daily. They exist. But in what proportion?
The issues of MW are about the complexities poor people face. And in a Civilized Society policy makers DEAL with those complexities instead of ignoring them.