as he goes on his road trips. He practiced throughout his first term on photo opping with African American children. Cash & Carry
Bush, Blacks and the Faith-Based Initiative
By using faith-based money to court African American churches, is Team Bush laying the groundwork for a political realignment?
by Bill Berkowitz
On February 10, a headline in the Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington Times read "Bush continues outreach to Blacks". Bill Sammon reported that President Bush had met in the White House with hundreds of "Black leaders" and told them that his policies "would help Black Americans." According to Bill Sammon, "The president's 15-minute speech in the East Room was interrupted 17 times by applause from an audience that included Black clergy, veterans, business leaders and members of Congress. Among those in attendance were Sen. Barack Obama, Illinois Democrat, and Rep. Melvin Watt, North Carolina Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus."
This latest meeting with Black leaders is part of an aggressive strategy by the Republican Party and conservative philanthropy aimed at African American churches and, through them, Black voters -- the Democrat's most loyal constituency.
In the 2004 presidential election, the GOP made a slight gain in the number of Blacks voting for Bush -- up from nine percent to 11 percent of Black votes, according to exit polls. And they did even better in the critical swing states of Florida and Ohio. In Florida, Bush's support among African Americans in November rose six percentage points to 13 percent, and in Ohio, Bush may have garnered as much as 16 percent of the Black vote.
For the past two decades the leadership of the GOP has concentrated on building a solid cadre of Black conservative organizations and media personalities that could be counted on to support its agenda. Since the beginning of the Bush presidency, the emphasis has gradually added the courting of Black churches to its arsenal. This is being accomplished in no small part through the handing out of millions of dollars in faith-based grants to African American churches. A project that was once financed mostly by conservative philanthropies is now being underwritten by the public in the form of these faith-based grants....