I am against this war in its' entirety but the number of deaths is not the only issue.
I have been asked how many people die in car crashes in the U.S. each day and I haven't the foggiest yet I and millions of others continue to drive our automobiles.
A quick GOOGLE and the info below was pulled moments ago.
Auto Accident Facts:
There were an estimated 6,328,000 car accidents in the US in 2003. The cost of these accidents exceeds 230 Billion dollars. There were about 2.9 million injury cases and 42,643 car accident deaths.
An average of 115 persons die each day in motor vehicle crashes in the United States -- one every 13 minutes. deadly must it get for us to quit our cars?
Has global warming stopped but a fraction of us from pursuing our love affair with the auto?
What are the actuarials for cigarette smoking?
Alcohol consumption?
This war is not just about the number of deaths.
Is the number of deaths critical to understanding this war?