Here is the info on Senate accreditation by the Standing Committee:Information about the process is available here: application for credentials is available by pdf here: are the rules:The Senate Press Gallery administers for the Standing Committee of Correspondents' Congressional press passes. There are three types of passes available: a one day pass; a temporary pass; and, a permanent pass. Listed below are the rules and guidelines governing the accreditation process.
1. Administration of the press galleries shall be vested in a Standing Committee of Correspondents elected by accredited members of the galleries. The Committee shall consist of five persons elected to serve for terms of two years. Provided, however, that at the election in January 1951, the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for two years and the remaining two for one year. Thereafter, three members shall be elected in odd-numbered years and two in even-numbered years. Elections shall be held in January. The Committee shall elect its own chairman and secretary. Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled by special election to be called by the Standing Committee.
2. Persons desiring admission to the press galleries of Congress shall make application in accordance with Rule 34 of the House of Representatives, subject to the direction and control of the Speaker and Rule 33 of the Senate, which rules shall be interpreted and administered by the Standing Committee of Correspondents, subject to the review and an approval by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
3. The Standing Committee of Correspondents shall limit membership in the press galleries to bone fide correspondents of repute in their profession, under such rules as the Standing Committee of Correspondents shall prescribe.
4. Provided, however, that the Standing Committee of Correspondents shall admit to the galleries no person who does not establish to the satisfaction of the Standing Committee all of the following:
(a) That his or her principal income is obtained from news correspondence intended for publication in newspapers entitled to second-class mailing privileges.
(b) That he or she is not engaged in paid publicity or promotion work or in prosecuting any claim before Congress or before any department of the government, and will not become so engaged while a member of the galleries.
(c) That he or she is not engaged in any lobbying activity and will not become so engaged while a member of the galleries.
5. Members of the families of correspondents are not entitled to the privileges of the galleries.
6. The Standing Committee of Correspondents shall propose no changes in the these rules except upon petition in writing signed by not less than 100 accredited members of the galleries.
Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Trent Lott, Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
The above rules have been approved by the Committee on Rules and Administration. is the current committee:Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Chairman, The Baltimore Sun
Chuck McCutchen, Secretary, Newhouse News Service
Bart Jansen, Portland Press-Herald/Maine Sunday Telegraph
Susan Milligan, Boston Globe
Bill Walsh, The Times-Picayune
Compare this to the WH process, where the entity being covered has the opportunity to influence the coverage through intimidation of the press and by planting shills.