Edited on Sun Feb-13-05 01:27 AM by shance
One of the jobs of the Republican 'mainstream' media's job seems to be shaming Democratic leaders into submission, "tone" them down, dilute, ridicule or invalidate their message,
which essentially means MSM is insisting that our leaders tow the corporate line and join the sanitized voices which fail in telling Americans the full truth.
We've certainly witnessed their successes.
It's time for mainstream media to stop blocking the truthful voices which are working to return our country to the principles on which it was founded.
They certainly won't dictate Howard Dean's voice, but they will do everything possible to make it hell for him and all others who are doing what is right. With Republicans owning the networks and overwhelming our airwaves, no doubt it's going to be continued, deliberate assault. Of course they've wasted no time.
Time to go on the offensive. Its time to initiate a petition supporting Governor Dean and all other voices who aren't afraid to tell the truth and do the right thing.
Being that I've never initiated a petition, I'm calling on someone(S) to help in this arena.
Who is able to initiate a petition who has written one before?
Governor Dean can't do it himself, nor can the other good leaders for that matter. They need good back up so they can do their job.
Dean is a leader of the Democratic party and we are their back up. If we don't do our job, neither can Dean or any of the other good Democrats (and/or leaders in general).
I propose that we initiate a petition and send it to as many people as we know to promote good leaders and leadership, and to show how MANY Americans desire good, honest governing.
What better way than to see thousands of supporters who show their support for leaders like Dean and all of us to turn up the volume, certainly NOT tone it down.