said about his style of doing things, I agreed with them and thought to myself that he would not be so bad after all. I remember him saying he would appoint an independent commission to see if global warming was a real problem. If so he would do something about it - no if's and's or but's about it. I thought this sounded very, very good. I am a no-nonsense sort of person, and I believed he was going to be the same. As we all know, when his commission actually told him global warming was a problem - not what he WANTED to hear-that was the end of that.
I remember him saying his style was to let others run their departments without a lot of oversite- but to be held RESPONSIBLE for what happens. Nobody has even remotely been held responsible for starting a war that has killed and maimed our soldiers - for absolutely nothing.
I could go on and on, but the point is that he sounded good to start with, and if he had actually done even a little bit of what he promised to do, he would not be THAT bad.
Nobody ever sees themselves as other people do, but that he actually believes the things he says about himself is scary because he sees no need to improve and he is president and his personal failing affect all of us.