The Iranian who would bring peace to Iraq,,3-1233755,00.htmlWorld News
August 26, 2004
The Iranian who would bring peace to Iraq
By Andrew Cockburn
A profile of the 73-year-old Iranian-born ayatollah who is trying to bring peace to the holy Iraqi city of Najaf.
Ayatollah al-Sistani remained politically aloof during last year's war, declining either to condemn or endorse the coalition's presence in Iraq. But last June he dropped a bombshell, issuing a ruling that declared the American plan to have a new constitution written by an unelected committee unacceptable and demanding that any new constitution be written by an elected assembly.
Eventually persuaded that this edict might be serious, Paul Bremer, then Iraq's American administrator, requested a meeting with Ayatollah al-Sistani, which was refused.
Mr Bremer then requested that the Ayatollah nominate representatives to meet his officials to negotiate a compromise. "Mr Bremer, you are American. I am Iranian. I suggest we leave it to the Iraqis to devise their constitution," the Ayatollah replied.