A couple of points:
Pat Buchanen on meet the press did the best explanation of the cause of terrorism (they don't hate us for our values, they hate us for our middle east imperialism) i have ever seen. He said Americans support Israels right to exist and arm herself, but they must dismantle the settlements on the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. I wish we had a democrat who would speak so clearly and truthfully. Rangle was on with Grassly from Iowa. Grassly was lying his ass off about SS, and Rangel was calling him on it. Charlie is a good face for us, except he always sounds like he is hoarse.
2) Durbin on Face the Nation is great.
3) Biden is a whore. Was on Fox News talking about how Bush needs to listen to Condi instead of Rumsfield and Cheney. Doesn't this guy realize that they are all on the same playbook? God he is an idiot.
4) Cokie Roberts was frothing at the mouth with her hated of Dean on This Week. She and George Will were saying how the democrats need to be anti-abortion, religious and more repubican to win. Sam Donaldson told them they were insane and said the only way the Dems would win would be to create a fired up base and become a clear alternative.
5) Britt Hume was defending the Talon News guys, saying he was just like anyone else.
6) Bill Press was on CNN, and said he considers Tony Blakely, Britt Hume, et al as journalists. He didn't distinguish between pundits like them (and himself) and actual journalist. That is part of our problem. We have to be able to distinguish between journalism and party advocacy (punditry). He failed to make this important point.
In summary; Dean, Reid, and Pelosi have to do a better job of getting the right people out there in the media. We can't have people that miss the point like Biden and Press, because the media is so hostile to our cause.