Edited on Sun Feb-13-05 06:40 PM by Bouncy Ball
Anyone who writes this doesn't know a SINGLE immigrant, illegal or otherwise, because if they did, they'd know that:
a) they DEMAND nothing. We PROVIDE forms in two languages, we PAY BILINGUAL employees MORE for being able to speak two or more languages and there is NOTHING wrong with being able to speak more than one language (in fact, I think it's pretty cool). We PROVIDE the medical care because it'd be HEARTLESS and CRUEL to turn away injured and ill people in need of care. Doctors are doctors, they aren't border patrol officers and they take an oath to "first, do no harm..."
b) remember that little thing called freedom of expression? It's why they are allowed to fly the Mexican flag when and where they want. And I don't exactly see a lot of that here in TEXAS, where you'd think I'd see just TONS of them.
c) the idea that they "procreate abundantly" is also mostly myth. They've found that, while first generation immigrants (LEGAL AND OTHERWISE!!) do tend to have larger families than the American norm, the SECOND generation tends to have families much closer to the average for here. That increases with each generation. Besides, I don't remember any laws about family size.
d) Who is demanding classes on the Mexican culture in the American school system??? LOL! We can't even afford TEXTBOOKS, you asshole. How could that possibly happen?
e) So he wants people driving around without a driver's license? Ummm, ok.
f) I do not EVER see this attitude of demanding or "you wouldn't understand my culture." Again this person obviously doesn't know a single Hispanic immigrant. Seriously. I know I am engaging in a bit of a generalization here myself, but if anything, I have always seen a very open, gracious attitude. A VERY grateful attitude. They are, on the whole, some of the most humble people I have ever had the great fortune to know.
g) I saved the language thing for last to tell a very revealing story. When I was teaching middle school, I noticed something a bit disturbing among my students: they would DENY they knew Spanish even when I knew they did. Yeah. I knew their parents spoke Spanish, I knew they were in ESL classes just the year before, and they still spoke English with an ACCENT, but they'd tell me "I don know no espanish, miss." If they did admit to knowing Spanish, they were made fun of by OTHER HISPANIC STUDENTS and called things like "mojo."
Whereas being bilingual would help them get a job and a better paying one at that, they are in a big fucking hurry to LOSE their Spanish, to LOSE their accent, and to LOSE every single semblance of "Mexican-ness" they have. One boy I had was named "Jaime" but he insisted it was pronounced like "Jamie" not Hi-mee. How sad is that?
And the Spanish-speaking parents? THEY NEVER CAME TO SCHOOL. They were too embarrassed that they couldn't speak anything but broken English and were totally intimidated. And I don't exactly see a lot of fucking right wingers VOLUNTEERING TO TEACH THEM ENGLISH (you assholes!). No they use all their time to BITCH about them. God, what fuckwads.
I teach an adult English class on Wednesday nights. I invite any right wing bigoted asshole who thinks they REFUSE to learn English to come sit in on one of these classes, where I have women who, when they first meet you, extend their hand and meekly apologize for the roughness of it. They wash dishes for a living, you see, and are ashamed of the hard work they do.
Motherfucking right wing assholes. That really burns me the hell up.
One woman in my class last Wednesday CRIED because she understood a whole paragraph in English. CRIED her eyes out, she was so happy.
Oh and when you write your friend back, ask him to move to another country and learn the language PRONTO or be the object of SCORN.
Another thing: write him back in Espanol.