As we now know today, electronic broadcast media are a weaponized technology capable of reducing a population to self-inflicted poverty in a few decades. The lessons from this must not be lost, though it appears current america will have to die and be reborn to regain any of its founders aspirations.
When media touch more than 40 million people, especially "news" media, but (all) broadcast propaganda, the minds see the imagery as the public common... it is what makes those minds common, as they only share television amongst themselves, there is no common culture outside media anymore in a place where the weapons are detonated.
It is very effective for destroying grassroots activism as it replaces the dinner table for venting societies ills and recovering from them. It also creates a social distortion where some people who are "common" on the television box like the terminator.. that those people we have given away our emotional power to... that in being passive television victems, we surrender out power to act to the actors.
Contrast this to an outstanding performance of Richard III i saw 2 nights ago in a scottish villiage hall by this theatre company for 5 british bucks.. note: this company's richard III is the best performance of a shakespeare play i have ever seen, bar none... and i have seen many performances all over the planet.... it brought me to tears that i had the gracious honour to see such fine shakespeare in a remote villiage in the middle of nowhere... arts subsidy. The actors interacted with the audience like only live theatre can achieve that the entire evening was a profound catharsis that i am still really moved by 2 days later.
<shakespeare yank note: The monarchy plays have soo much more subltety in the home culture understanding monarchy and its attributes that the fineness of the blocking and charisma of evil government is soo appearant: my kingdom for a horse.>
What happened that this is percieved "replaced" by television? The community dissolves back in to its boxes and never speaks to each other. The flexible labour force relocates 100 times over until television is all that remains of civil society... the benchmark for discussion... as is more than appearant on this forum... rare the post indeed is that does not depend on a news event... an appearant happening in a world where nobody has cast a ballot today.
In television, the programmer inserts viruses, social ones. This is how the dream of us and them politics is perpetuated and transmitted... it is a social virus to divide a government against its own people... but american government, now virused, does not see this as a virus... no it wouldn't would it.
The broadcast media should be under strong public regulation that the viruses are those of arts, love and great wisdom. Broadcast media, like nuclear power, can be harnessed healthily as we talk right now... yet indeed, we speak that DU is regulated, as unregulated forums are freeped by television-virused out people.
Toxic attention deficit hate syndrome. The result of flipping through cable TV for a few hours is a mental illness, albiet a "sniffle"... but for a few years, it turns to a "chronic" disease where the public no longer trusts people... goodwill can be completely eroded that it exists nowhere. It is the radiation of the goodwill used in the media detonation of the mass media weapon.
In that sense, your own goodwill is taken by media actors you empower to their own ends... and you are empowering a virus. Some viruses are good ones... but the context of the fish tank is forever destroyed by zero visibility mud from cable TV.
Smash that television before it kills you.
:-) Rant! :-)