natural constituencies.When it comes to issues affecting women, we are on their side while the Republicans are constantly demonizing them, degrading them as though they cannot make decisions affecting their own bodies,and what is worse, making policies that affect the health and welfare of their children. We need to make it a major part of our effort to reach out and say what are the things we stand for on issues about women.
The second issue is about our youngsters. With the assault on science ( creationism,intelligent design and other gobbledygook), they are being put at a disadvantage by diehard religious nuts.Their careers and financial future is being sacrificed to make political points. We need to go to high schools and other young people's forums to educate them on what is in store for them if these crazies are allowed to bring their Lysenkoism into education.
These two constituencies will balance the edge the Republicans have on white male voters over us, especially in the South. This plus our natural constituencies of blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and other minorities will put us over the top.