Does anyone remember reading or hearing the stories about bush having anonymous sex with guys in bathrooms of seedy dives and bars in West Texas in the 70s? Jeb knowing about it but turning a blind eye?
Ok, here's my theory so far....there are still some holes, so help me connect any dots you see that need connecting. Or ask anything that needs clarification.
bush hires Ari Fleischer to return some big "favors" he did him. Ahem. McClellan is Fleischer's deputy. bush rather favors Scottie, too. It's all good. With me so far?
Why did Fleischer quit? Anyone remember?
McClellan (see Rawstory about him) discovered and paid for Guckert to be his "escort" a few times before Guckert decided to push things in his quest to be a real journalist and starts to hound Scott for a press pass. Scott tells him to set up a news organization front and he can get it done. Scott is quite "taken" with "JimmyJeff" and "JimmyJeff" knows it. Scott gets his buddies at GOPUSA and PNAC to set up an organization called "Talon News" and it is a Christmas gift to JimmyJeff. Scott arranges for a few other trusted people to work with JimmyJeff to ensure it looks like he's actually a reporter. Scott also arranges to make sure "Talon News" doesn't appear on any official lists of WH Press Corps. (That's true, it doesn't.) The other half of JimmyJeff's pay comes from the PNAC/GOPUSA operatives. They don't care what kinda hanky-panky is going on behind the scenes, they're just happy to have an operative in the briefing room.
JimmyJeff arranges for Scottie to send a bit of payola his way, you know, a little bit to grease the palm. About $5K a month will do it. Scottie talks to a few people about it, only a few, including bush, who okays it, having already okayed several other "journalist" payoffs. bush is well aware this "journalist" is actually one of Scottie's after-hours friends, but he's been there, done that himself, so it's no biggie to him. He feels invincible. No one would ever find out. So taxpayer funds being funneled to a guy with no journalist credentials running a male prostitute sex ring and having sex with the Presidential Press Secretary. (No big deal, right, freepers? LOL!)
In Scott's giddiness, he tells JimmyJeff things he shouldn't, especially concerning the Plame case. To make himself sound more important than he really is, Guckert has turned the story into him SEEING Plame documents, when Scott never showed them to him, but did tell him too much in a moment of afterglow.
Scott realizes full well he shouldn't have done that and he knows he is potentially playing with fire in his dalliances with JimmyJeff. When he got him the press pass, they all think that using a psuedonym would be best. In the lax environment of the WH (if you are Scottie, it's lax) he is able to pull this over the authorities who are supposed to be running background checks on JimmyJeff.
To cover his ass, Scottie tells bush during one of their "afternoon meetings." bush doesn't worry about it--he knows full well they have the media in their back pocket.
Problem is, JimmyJeff starts to get cocky--his "questions" get more and more obvious. Scottie chides him in private, but JimmyJeff is just emboldened by the feeling of power he has over Scottie ET AL. So he continues, eventually coming to the attention of some people outside of the White House, who start wondering about this guy and sniffing around.
Scottie immediately meets with JimmyJeff and tells him it's over, get out of sight and don't contact me ever again. Go under. JimmyJeff, totally freaked out, does so. Too late.