http://www.doc.state.ok.us/DOCS/OCJRC/OCJRC95/950725c.htmThis paper presents the basis for a model which deals with certain offenders through an educational effort to modify some of their negative characteristics which include violence. The model in this paper is based on the concept of a conservative/authoritarian personality as it is found in offenders. The concept of the authoritarian personality remains important today as evidenced by coverage in current introductory psychology textbooks (Crooks & Stein, 1991; Dworetzky, 1991; Gleitman, 1991).
“It appears that conservatism has pathological dimensions manifested in violence and distorted psycho-sexual development” (Boshier, 1983, p. 159).
This is supported by a study conducted by Walker, Rowe, and Quincey (1993) in which there was a direct correlation between authoritarianism and sexually aggressive behavior. An investigation done by Muehlenhard (1988) revealed that rape justification and aggression toward subordinate individuals was much higher in traditional (conservative personality) than non-traditional personalities. It is postulated in this paper that the offender has a conservative personality and, therefore, manifests that violence.
The conservative personality work has as its antecedents the efforts on authoritarianism as developed by Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswick, Levinson, and Sanford (1950) in their book The Authoritarian Personality. Adorno, et al.
developed what was called an F-Scale, or Fascist scale, which dealt with nine variables thought to be found in the authoritarian personality: anti-contraception, conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, power/toughness, projectivity, superstition/stereotyping, destruction/cynicism, and sex. Dogmatic attitudes tend to be related to close-mindedness. The individuals who adhere to dogmatic attitudes have behaviors including: authoritarianism, tough-mindedness, conservatism, and alienated behavior (Rajnarain, 1986).
Personality characteristics:
*Religious dogmatism
•Right-wing political orientation (in Western society)
•Insistence on strict rules and punishments
•Ethnocentrism and intolerance of minority groups
•Preference for conventional art, clothing, and institutions
•Anti-hedonistic outlook (the tendency to regard pleasure, particularly sexual, as necessarily bad)
•Superstition and resistance to scientific progress (Boshier, 1983, p. 51)
The following is a series of statements or beliefs which can be attributed to the individual who manifests a conservative personality:
•Religion of a dogmatic and fundamental nature
•Commitment to political organizations which favor maintenance of the status quo (even by force)
•Strict regulation of individual behavior
•Preference for people of one’s own kind
•Resistance to change
•Conventional in art and clothing
•Refusal to accept new ideas
•Superstitious and fatalistic (Wilson, 1973)