I am writing this because I want to fill in some blanks that Will couldn't and I also want people to know that what I did was normal operating proceedure to me and should be to everybody. This young man lived in a hovel that BC apparently approved of and his parents never checked out. He lived in a basement room that was damp and had little heat in spite of the New England winter. He was a smart, handsome kid who came from a "good" Chicago family. He was educated at Jesuit schools out there. All of this I garnered sitting at my kitchen table that night with that kid.... I told him that night to go home and come back in a week...I did that because, quite honestly, I did not know what to do with him and I was buying time. During that next week, I spoke to two priests that I trusted and some others like my father who I knew were unfailing ethical. I wanted to know, simply...if I should turn him in to the authorities or follow my own best instincts and help him in my own way. They all told me that going my own way was OK.
Going my own way with this young man turned out to be the right thing. He kept in touch with me for a few years and he finished at BC and he seemed to have turned his life around. That, compared to a few charred law books, seemed a small sacrifice.
The interesting thing about this is Will's memory...he was a tiny boy...sitting secretly at the top of the stairs, scared to death I assume...while I hosted this troubled man in my kitchen...he heard it all... I wonder now if he thought I had invited an ax murderer into to house...he obviously learned something from it...hence, to my last comment about this...
People...parents...you just never know what acts of yours make an impact on your children. It surprised me when Will raised this story... it's not exactly in the family scrapbook...but it certainly made an impression on him and I can only be grateful that I did the right thing... this is now, what? 25+ years later...Will remembers and has now made me remember...I can look back and think that it was one of the few unselfish things that I did in my life but I'd do it again in a minute!