Edited on Mon Feb-14-05 09:25 PM by Itsthetruth
I have seen numerous posts on DU supporting conservative, if not outright reactionary candidates running or considering running for public office on the grounds that we have to "win" Republican (Bush) voters over. They have a point.
If a Democratic Party candidate doesn't agree with progressives on a few "minor" issues such as defense of our bill of rights, women's rights, gay rights, workers rights, an end to Bush's wars, etc., that's all right.
The really important thing is that those kinds of "moderate" Democratic candidates be forgiven because no matter how conservative or right-wing they may be on these unimportant matters they are certainly better than any Republican they run against.
We have to be realistic. If the Democratic party can't win elections with progressive candidates we should support whatever candidates they run no matter how far to the right their platform and position may be. So what if they are anti-abortion? So what if they are pro-Iraq war and for the Patriot Act extension? Who cares if they are anti-union? What's important is that they are elected. After all, we'd rather have a 100 conservative Democrats in Congress finding common ground with Republican right-wingers than none at all. We need to find ways we can work with Repulicans in Congress and at the White House in order to "get stuff" done .... even if it's not the kind of stuff we want. It's far better to "get stuff" done than not get anything done at all.
So we can't afford to have political debates on issues like social security, trade laws, Iraq, unions and other matters that may divide us. We need unity and bi-partisanship more than ever before!
And anyone who doesn't agree with that position is a divisive left-wing splitter who is hurting the DLC and is clearly up to no good.
Isn't that right?
I hope not.