Edited on Mon Feb-14-05 09:56 PM by Swede
Eventually stuff started to stick in his second term,and history does repeat itself.
The Philadelphia Inquirer stated, "Yes, he butchered facts, invented anecdotes, indulged White House chaos, and seemed dreamily unaware of the illegal deeds done during Iran-contra. He was guilty of all that, as well as union-busting, callousness to the poor, a failure to grasp America's multicultural destiny." The Boston Globe, meanwhile, declared the "Reagan legacy also includes the improbable Star Wars' missile defense proposal and the shameful Iran-Contra scandal. And the humming economy was energized in large part by deep tax cuts and heavy military spending that together produced crippling budget deficits. Reagan did little to advance such goals as education or civil rights."
The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz noted that when the media, back in the 1980s, dubbed Reagan the "Teflon" president "it was not meant as a compliment."