This might have been said already, and I apologize if I've missed a thread, but after reading several threads about the GannonStory tonight, I had just a few thoughts....
Just because McClellan was seen in one gay bar or several gay bars doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. And even if he is -- it's a so what issue -- except for the fact that the Republicans are bent on dehumanizing people who have same-sex preferences, it's still separate from the real story.
And Guckart/Gannon's sexual preferences/activities really fall into the same category.
The real issue of this whole sordid tale of Gannon et al is the fact that someone
without proper education, credentials, or references got into the White House Press Room at all, and was able to ask so many inane softball, or leading questions.
The real issue is who let him in, and why was he given the floor so many times.
The real issue is did he actually get classified information to "leak" and who gave it to him.
Think about this -- the GOP isn't so stupid to think that Gannon's past wouldn't be found. (After all, didn't they strategically strike Fallujah when they thought Kerry would be "fighting" for every vote? (well you might not believe this, but there was an interesting article about this right after the election
I truly believe they
wanted it to be found (though granted, they didn't make it easy) -- and that there are probably some fall guys who are involved (who may or many not have known they'd be fall guys) -- but
step beyond that and FOCUS.
The MSM ran away with Monica and a stain on a Blue dress which made everyone forget about the
Republican Shut Down of the Government (remember that??? When they talk about Obstructionism, they should know... right?) But does the American Public remember what was going on in the Government when Clinton got caught? Set up or Not -- it did what is was meant to do -- took what was happening in the Government (the shut down (among other things, no doubt) out of the Public Eye, and gave everyone a Huge Dose of Scandal to chew on, for years....
Yes -- they used this "sex thing" against Clinton -- they tried to use this to Impeach Clinton -- but what it ultimately did was get the People to FORGET what was really going on.
Please.... before cheering again for this situation, before being so happy that we finally "have" something to smear in their faces -- keep digging for the real reasons behind this.
I could be wrong of course -- and I know people have worked VERY hard and diligently to crack this story, and they have done an
excellent job! At least we still have people who are still interested in Investigative reporting out there. That said, I personally could care less about Gannon's sexual proclivities. This story is not about that. Really. If he was given classified information --
that's a story.
it's late, and YMMV
edited for....nothing. I was going to add something to the subject and changed my mind... i said it's late!