Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Cook of the Cook Report was being interviewed about the upcoming debates yesterday evening. They asked what great things he expected to see in the way of pronouncements, attacks, etc. from our candidates. Cook snickered and said "nothing new". He said no one watches these things anyway. He went on to explain how this always happens, ie., how poltical junkies who eat this stuff for supper follow these things and cheer their "guy" on, etc. He then said (paraphrased) that the "well adjusted and normal" American doesn't pay any attention to this junk until about two weeks before the general election. I see that in order to be "well adjusted and normal" you have to be a fucking, ignorant moron who wouldn't soil themselves learning about how their livelihood and quality of life are being flushed down the sewer. I see that it is not being well adjusted if you wonder why your kid is being sent to be slaughtered or to slaughter in a "made up war". Let it be officially known then: Thinking is an abnoral activity in the US of A---guess we better pass out more tranquilizers, booze and illegal drugs to take the edge off of any of that there "abnormal" thinking some people are doing and tell them to chill out and turn off the brain... ungodamnbelievable....