Interesting story about the leading candidate for Prime Minister of the "New Iraq."
Ahmed Chalabi, the man the Pentagon has been pushing as the face of the new Iraq, is mourning the first fatalities within his ranks.
Two members of Mr Chalabi's pro-US Iraqi National Congress (INC) and one member of his militia, the Free Iraqi Forces, were shot dead by US Marines trying to protect a bank in Baghdad.
They are the first post-war casualties among followers of Mr Chalabi, the exiled Iraqi businessmen who has a force of 1,500 men armed with Kalashnikovs and US-issued uniforms now operating inside Iraq and – acting in tandem with the Americans – patrolling in Baghdad and elsewhere.
The three men were shot in their car in the Iraqi capital late on Friday by a US Abrams tank outside the Central Bank, where US Marines were mounting guard to stop armed men who had been trying to blast their way into the vaults using rocket-propelled grenades and welding equipment.